Sunday, May 26, 2013

Montana Royalty by B.J. Daniels

Royal groomsmen in search of sexy Cinderella…glass slipper found in the line shack…
            It was cold, they were trapped…and Rory Buchanan had made love to a perfect stranger – and enjoyed it way more than she should have. But how was a regular girl from Whitehorse supposed to know the royal protocol for dealing with a fantasy one-night stand?
            It soon became clear that Devlin Barrow would slay any dragon for local girl Rory – a court full of nobles had even descended on the small Montana community. But this relationship was no fairy tale. Because someone was willing to kill to keep Devlin’s secret past from toppling the royal hierarchy. And with Rory pregnant with his surprise heir, her life was at stake as well.

            Rory was trying to find out information about her neighbors, who were trying to buy her out, when she meets Devlin. She saves him from freezing in the cold when a storm kicks up. They have a great night together but she knows that she can’t get caught with him so she lights out before he wakes up in the morning. They find each other again but he can’t get involved because he’s trying to find his mother’s killer.
            Everything ends up working out and there is no way to really sum it up quickly. I think that’s what I like the most about B.J. Daniels. The information packed into a tiny Harlequin romance is enough to fill most other books. This author knows how to keep the flow of the story with the romance and tension of the romantic suspense genre going so that the reader doesn’t think they are missing anything from a full length book.
            The idea of sex in this book are really important…but the actual sex scenes are sadly lacking. However, the romance is really good. So if you want an erotic novel, do not go looking here. If you want a romance with a bit of mystery, this is the place for you!
            There is one characters attitude that makes me think this character was based on a real person. The Princess Evangeline believed that everyone was out to use her. She was cold, mean, calculating, and in some ways, vicious. This sounds like a real person because her attitude and actions are so realistic. Even though she is almost a not really worthy to mention character, she is so vibrant that it’s hard not to think of her part in this story.
            I haven’t read the rest of the Whitehorse, Montana series by B.J. Daniels but I look forward to coming across them. Overall, I really liked this book. I was disappointed that it was too short for my taste. There was so much more these characters could have done! But in the end I am giving this book 3.5 stars.

Publisher: Harlequin Intrigue
ISBN-13: 978-0-373-69350-4
Price: $4.99 (cover)

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