Monday, October 15, 2012

Vampire Mine by Kerrelyn Sparks

After 499 years of existence, Connor Buchanan has arrived at the inescapable conclusion: he is a cold-hearted SOB. He’s been watching his friends – these poor romantic fools – plummet off the cliff into love like a dazed herd of sheep. But not Connor. He knows that love leads to nothing but heartache.
She is an angel cast down from heaven for disobedience. Trapped in mortal form, she finds a protector in Connor, a Scottish vampire haunted by a dark past. Marielle hopes to heal his broken heart and earn her way back home, but suddenly she has these…feelings. This strange yet pleasant physical yearning – for a vampire! Is this the work of a demon luring her into hell, or has this angel found heavenly bliss?

Vampire Mine by Kerrelyn Sparks is a story about a rebellious angel, Marielle Quadriduum, who has been banished to earth and found by Connor Buchanan. Connor is a vampire coming up on his 500th birthday. The best quote to describe the subplot/plot is: Since Roman Draganesti was the inventor of synthetic blood and the owner of Romatech where it was produced, he presented a tempting target for the Malcontents who considered synthetic blood an insult and threat to their murderous way of life. This sentence also hints that there are other books in this universe and other stories to read.
The story itself is fairly straight forward. Connor protects Marielle during her quest to earn her way back into heaven. During that time they fall in love but try to deny it. There are some cute things that happen. Connor gets his toes painted pink (while he’s asleep) and something called the Three Step Rule, which states that at any given time, sex is only three steps away in a man’s thoughts. This becomes a laughing point throughout the book because Marielle keeps referring to it when Connor has no clue what it means.
There are two parts that are particularly noteworthy and funny. From page 14: Connor rounded the monitor and discovered Stone in a passionate embrace with…his hairbrush. This was funny to read considering that the person in question was a news anchor who came across the television as stoic and manly. Another funny part was a conversation between Connor and Marielle. From page 48: “May I ask your name? [Marielle asked]” He glanced up at her, then straightened with a jerk. “Holy Christ Almighty.” She frowned. “No, I don’t believe you are.” What was funny about this was that she was not afraid of nudity and Connor got an eyeful before he covered her up.
There are a few things that the book mentions but doesn’t really go into so much. One of the side characters father was dying and the only way they could save him was to transform him into a vampire. The guy hated vampires but to save him they transformed him anyway. His story was never concluded so I don’t know if he ended up hating himself but they mention another character who got transformed and Roman was able to change her back to human. It’s sort of nice to know that even though they changed him against his will that there is a way that he can be changed back if he absolutely hates it. Most other stories do not really touch this subject.
Another thing that the book talks about more in reference to it than actually discussing it is the idea of free will and the application to other beings other than human. The demon could not take Marielle to hell against her will even if she was banished from heaven. The idea that Marielle was somehow destined to rebel even though angels are not supposed to be disobedient was an idea that has floated around and not really resolved. Kerrelyn Sparks resolves it by producing Gabriel who tells Marielle that it was God’s hope that she would act in the way she did to produce the end result even though he did not influence her decision in any way. It wrapped it up in a nice bow.
One more thing that the book references are the ability to “earn” the way back into heaven. There is the idea that once a person is on the list for hell that there can be no redemption but this book challenges that thought by being able to forgive Connor. Marielle does not earn her wings back. She has the chance to get them back but chooses love with Connor instead. It’s a sweet ending and definitely happy but the idea of earning redemption doesn’t seem like a good idea in the long run.
My overall thoughts of this book is that it is a simple romance with a religious factor that was part of the defining characteristic of the people but it didn’t preach about religion or the way people need to convert. It was nice because I grew up going to church but no longer follow religion as an adult so I can appreciate it. I should mention there is sex in the book but it is very tame. I would suggest reading the book but if you’re looking for erotic sex between an angel and a vampire then this is not the place. Good romance but not a focus on erotic sex. At the end I give this book three and a half stars.

Publisher: Harper Collins’ Avon Books line
ISBN: 978-0-06-195804-5
Cover Price: $7.99 US

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