Monday, October 15, 2012

Wylder Magic by Camille Anthony

Eight Days…
Elias Wylder, that egotistical SOB, had the gall to trick Moriah into bonding with him during her Opening Ceremony! Now her year of hiding is almost up. Only eight days and she’ll be free. In eight days, Moriah can repudiate the bond with Wylder and claim her rightful place in Arcane Society. Until then, she dare not allow the powerful warlock to discover she still loves him, despite his trickery. She must keep her distance, no matter how close she wishes they could be.
But Wylder’s not the kind to take no for an answer.
Humbled by her loss, Elias will do anything to find Moriah, even begging the Council of Magick for help. Unfortunately, his year of futile searching is almost up. An Athame Warlock must present his lady to Council before the year passes, or lose her forever. Elias can’t allow that to happen. Moriah’s taken more than Wylder’s magick -- she’s stolen his heart. He’s got just eight days to find her, and win her back!

This story is about Morven Moriah Maganistus running away from Elias Ethan Winston Wylder. She is scared of him because he is powerful. More powerful than anyone else in the magical community and she is afraid that he’ll do something reckless that will hurt her. She runs away and hides. They’re mating ceremony is only half complete. In the year that she’s been hiding Wylder comes to terms with how much he cares for her and searches endlessly knowing that at the year mark he will lose her.
The world that these two live in is very similar to our world but it works differently. Almost like another dimension. Everybody can use magic but they have to go to school to learn properly. They mix science and magic and technology so there are things like the SWAT team, that hunts down people who change the weather.
Wylder does find her with only six days left. He discovers that she had a daughter (it’s his) and he claims her so that there is no way she will run again. It helps that she finally admits that she loves him too. The daughter thing is kind of funny. Morvan had hid from him by turning herself into a dog. Then she got stuck as a dog until she delivered and then she didn’t have enough magic to turn her daughter back from a puppy. So her daughter is almost a year old and still a puppy. It’s cute because Wylder was shocked to see his daughter that way.
I have one complaint about this story. The author is using a new world for her characters and she doesn’t take the time to explain the world. The world sounds neat and fascinating but it kinda leaves you floundering for details and some things take a while to figure out.
Overall this story is good. It’s short and it sort of feels like you step into a world you don’t know but the characters more than make up for the lost feeling. There are lots of details about the characters so even though you sort of feel lost you can just go with it and follow the story perfectly fine. I rate this book 3.5 stars.

Publisher: Ellora’s Cave Publishing, Inc.
Price: $4.49 (Amazon Kindle)

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